In the era of television and streaming services, Moi-Dom TV has earned its unique place in the world of streaming services. One of the reasons is the various and beneficial offers for its customers. This time Moi-Dom offered a $25 deal for more than 230 TV channels, 7000 movies and all of these in HD premium quality. Domino Production was the one to bring this news to your screens. We created a commercial based on 3D animation. We decided to have the signature colors of Moi-Dom for the commercial, orange and black. Domino team thought if it was to be a surprise for the customers, it should be in a box. So, we animated a box, which would open up with a boom of some confetti and make an announcement about the offer. We also made a 3D animation for the main tool to the fun of Moi-Dom, your mobile phone. And the text for all the necessary information is floating around the video as a help for customers to keep up with the told information.